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Heart & Stroke Foundation Courses

Course: Dates:
Advanced Cardiac Life Support TBA
Basic Life Support TBA
Standard First Aid Courses TBA

Chain of Survival

  1. Healthy choices: in lifestyle can help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and injury.
  2. Early recognition: of the warning signs for heart disease and stroke, and of illness and injury in infants and children, can reduce delays to treatment.
  3. Early access: to emergency medical services (EMS) - simply call 911 or your local emergency phone number - will bring trained medical help to the scene.
  4. Early CPR: should be started as soon as possible on a person who is unresponsive, has no normal breathing, no visible signs of circulation and no pulse, in order to provide oxygen to the vital organs until trained professionals arrive.
  5. Early defibrillation: shocks a heart that has stopped beating effectively and allows the heart to reset to a normal rhythm.
  6. Early advanced care: by trained health-care professionals may be provided at the scene, on the way to the hospital or at the hospital.
  7. Early rehabilitation: following a critical event such as a heart attack or stroke can help the survivor, caregivers and family face new challenges and return the survivor to a productive life in the community.